Is there anything more important than imagination?

Since 2019, The WEIRDO Festival has been our annual celebration of all things ART and WEIRD in Philadelphia!

A creative presence thriving in the spaces in between. 

The WEIRDO Festival is our love letter to East Kensington and the Riverwards Neighborhoods. It was born from the rich spirit of creativity that makes Philadelphia an incredible and interesting place to live.

WEIRDO focuses on visionary, self-taught and outsider art, circus arts, various skills and feats, humor and sorcery, body slams, bubbles, treasures, illusions, hearts of gold, shiny things and big ideas. We instill wonder. We INSPIRE.

WEIRDO Fest is free to attend! Amazing days filled with art, music, dance, circus and performance! 

With your sponsorship, we’ll be able to make WEIRIDO even better. We want to expand our spaces and open our event up to more artists and bigger proposals. We can bring in more diverse musicians, facilitate elaborate performances and ultimately, spread more art and more weird!

WEIRDO is fiscally sponsored by The East Kensington Neighbors Association, a registered 501c3 non-profit corporation, which means all sponsorships are accepted and held by them (and are tax deductible).

Help us bring free art to our community and strengthen the creative identity that makes Philadelphia great!

The Festival itself radiates out from the 2400 block of Martha Street and into the surrounding areas of East Kensington. It includes:

  • 6 WEIRDO curated performance areas featuring live music, circus arts, and various other performances (Dance, AWFUL Wrestling, Projection art, Puppets!)

  • 50 exhibiting artists and vendors specific to the “Midway of WEIRD”

  • East Kensington participating businesses and organizations added another 11 venues and over 100 participating artists and vendors in 2023!

  • Thousands of attendees from the Riverwards neighborhoods and beyond come out!

Sponsor us now to be mentioned throughout all of our 2024 season, and in conjunction with the next WEIRDO: The East Kensington Arts and Oddities Festival on Saturday, October 19th!

Check out the levels below!

Area Sponsors

$5000 or $2500

One of our main performance areas can be “Powered by” you or your company! (includes all the benefits from Kindred Spirit levels as well)

For example “The Wrestling Ring Powered by Fireball Printing (but instead of Fireball Printing it would be your company/name). This would go on our website and any maps or signage for the fest mentioning the zone along with any social media posts involving the zone.

These are first come first serve and include:

$5000 Level

The Wrestling Ring (Featuring AWFUL Wrestling and a day of other music, projection art and well… the weirdest of the WEIRD)

The Courtyard Stage (our zone dedicated to a specific artistic theme for the day. Think punk rock puppets, complicated art juggling, light and music installations, stuff like that)

The Circus (Featuring  Roller Circus: The Greatest Show on Wheels! and various other family friendly fun all day long)

$2500 Level

The Midway of Weird (Our WEIRDO curated exhibit and vendor zone featuring over 50 artists)

The Experimental Music Zone (a lineup of art rock, noise and musical mastership spanning various genres and cultures)

The Neighborhood Stage hyper locally sourced bands and performances 

Kindred Spirit Sponsors

$1000 or $500

Do you love art and the greater East Kensington neighborhoods? Do you want as much WEIRDO as we can get? This is how you can help make WEIRDO happen and even be a part of the day!

$1000 level

  • Sponsor Name on  WEIRDO Fest signage 

  • Shoutout on WEIRDO and Fireball Printing socials (17k followers)

  • Feature in Fireball Printing/WEIRDO Newsletter (11k+ Subscribers)

  • Table in Premiere Location at WEIRDO 

$500 level

  • Sponsor Name on  WEIRDO Fest signage

  • Shoutout on WEIRDO and Fireball Printing socials (17k followers)

  • Table in Premiere Location at WEIRDO 

Want to support but not sponsor?
That’s amazing. Everything helps.

You can email us about that too, or you can
Venmo us right now!