Something different… something odd… something WEIRD?
WEIRDO is our annual celebration of all things art and weird!
It is our love letter to the East Kensington area and the spirit of creativity
that makes Philadelphia an interesting place to live.

We focus on visionary, self-taught and outsider art. Circus arts and various skills and feats. Humor and sorcery, bodyslams and bubbles, treasures and illusions. Hearts of gold, big ideas and shiny things. You never know what you’ll run into.

Also it’s a festival with fun stuff happening :)

Would you like to participate either by performing, exhibiting or vending?
Keep reading to find out how.



You will receive a confirmation ASAP if you are in the show, but this is mostly just one person
sorting through hundreds of applications so it might take a little bit.
You should hear back within a few weeks at most.
If you don’t hear back you’re not in the show (sorry).
This is a community event run mostly by volunteers,
I love you all… please don’t yell at me. 

We get great crowds of interested people who are on the lookout for something different.
We curate the festival toward the odd, interesting, educational and well… weird.
If you’re an artist/vendor/person/act who seems to jive with that kind of situation, send in an application!

If you’re looking to be a vendor, a space costs $25.
This is an art event so ideally you make the stuff you’re selling (unless it’s really cool or weird),
and we really love self taught/outsider/folk/weird stuff. When in doubt, apply!
We have a very limited amount of space because we try to have as much performance happen as possible.
You have to BYO everything you need (yes, this means tables, pop up tents*, umbrellas, chairs, etc).
Bonus points if you have an idea to do something interactive with the crowd! Also, if this is your first show let us know.
We love being people’s first show. We’ll send you a venmo link if you’re approved for this.
We are currently not accepting applications for food vendors.
*Pop up tents are not mandatory, a table is fine, it’s up to you. Some spaces can only accommodate tables.

If you’re looking to exhibit your art or project and not actually selling anything it’s free to participate.
This includes art that’s not for sale, neighborhood organizations, community stuff, giving advice about time travel, etc.
You still have to be approved for logistical reasons (we need to make sure we have space,
make sure it works with everything else going on, etc.). 

PERFORMERS!? We love you. This show is mostly for you.
Shine in all your glorious weirdness and stick some ideas in people's heads.
We’re working with spaces throughout the neighborhood this year so we might offer you a space in our main location
or in some of the other participating spaces. Keep in mind this is a family/public/community thing, so stuff that happens outside
has to be appropriate for kids to walk passed. If it’s not though… we might be able to get you into one of the inside spaces,
so apply anyway, just let us know. Dance, bands, plays, films, circus arts, puppet shows, etc – all of those are possible.
If you want to curate an entire space for the whole day, feel free to ask about that, too.